Okay,so after making 4 immaculate opals and a perfect III frag i'm finally gonna rage.R2,PLEASE GIVE US THE ABILITY TO EXCHANGE MORE THAN ONE GEM AT A TIME FOR COUPON AND MORE THAN 1 COUPON AT A TIME FOR A GEM! Do you KNOW how many times do you need to click to make 1 immaculate opal? A thousand at least.My fingers hurt everytime i make FS for my next frag upgrade,or another perfect/immaculate gem,it's extremely frustrating and it makes me want to stop playing when i'm like half-way done >.>An immaculate gem is 243 shining,a FS is 6 shining,and you need a load of FS for perfect upgrades,and all of those gems i exchange manually,1 by 1,first gems into coupons,then coupons into bound gems (Because you can't do another way with opals)
So i'm making a poll to see how many people are actually frustrated about this,and how many people want the multiple gem exchange implemented.I'm really hoping it will be made in the future because once again after making perfect III,MY FINGERS HURT (ノà²*益à²*)ノ彡┻â”â”»
So i'm making a poll to see how many people are actually frustrated about this,and how many people want the multiple gem exchange implemented.I'm really hoping it will be made in the future because once again after making perfect III,MY FINGERS HURT (ノà²*益à²*)ノ彡┻â”â”»